Mortgage Calculator

  • Stress Test (Assumed interest rate raised by 3.0%)
  • %
    Assumed Interest Rate
  • $
    Monthly Repayment
    ${{toCurrency(stressPayment, 0)}}
  • $
    Min. Monthly Income Requirement
  • $
    Base on stress test
    ${{toCurrency(stressIncomeReq, 0)}}
  • $
    Base on DTI ratio
    ${{toCurrency(incomeReq, 0)}}
First-time buyer does not need to pass the stress test when purchasing completed residential property with the price of 11.25 million or below. However, individual bank reserves the final decision on these kind of cases. If the buyer fails to fulfil the income requirement, please call 5435 6759 for further enquiries.
P = Prime rate (Best Lending Rate), the benchmark interest rate
This calculator assumed the applicants’ income derived mainly in Hong Kong, have not borrowed or guaranteed other outstanding mortgage(s) and be bought for self-use purpose.The above information is for reference only. No guarantee or representation is given by Midland as to its accuracy, completeness and/or applicability. All terms and conditions are subject to HKMA, HKMC, Inland Revenue Department, financial institution’s final announcement/approval. For all individual cases, please refer to the regarding terms and conditions. Information as of 19 May 2017.